Bulgaria Trains
Supplements & Reservations
Keeping in line with the spirit of Interrail, train travel is fun in Bulgaria.
But give you piece of mind, we recommend that you make sure you understand everything there is to know about seat reservations and supplements on trains in Bulgaria before you travel.
Reservations are not required for
The following domestic trains will not require reservations to be made:
- Barz Vlak local 'rapid' trains
- Patnicheski slower local trains
Reservations are required for
- Domestic Trains: Reservations are required on the Expresen Vlak faster trains (routes: Sofia – Plovdiv, Sofia – Varna, Sofia – Burgas)
- International Trains: Reservations are required on International trains in Bulgaria
International train connections available in Bulgaria include:
- Bulgaria Express: from Sofia through Kiev, Moscow, Minsk to Saint Petersburg.
- The Black Sea Train: from Moscow through Minsk to Varna (seasonal)
- The Bucharest / Istanbul Express
- Sofia to Belgrade
- Sofia to Bucharest
- Sofia to Thessaloniki
- Svilengrad to Alexandroupolis
How to make reservations for trains in Bulgaria
Details on how to make reservations on Bulgarian trains will be included with your Interrail Pass.
Please click here for details of Interrail Supplements.